Game Rules


Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo Rules

  1. Bingo must be a black out on at least one play area.
  2. Blackout in 50 numbers or less wins the Jackpot or share of.
  3. Blackout in 51 numbers or more, wins the guaranteed pot of $5,000 or share of.
  4. The game will be stopped when the first potential winner(s) have called in, and their card(s) have been verified, OR if all the balls have been called. The game will then be closed.
  5. Potential winners have until the following Monday by 11:59 AM to call and record their potential winning card(s) on the winners line. If Monday is a holiday, the deadline will be moved to Tuesday by 11:59AM.
  6. Potential winners that black out in the least amount of balls will be deemed the official winner(s). Other potential winners that blacked out in more balls will not be notified.
  7. The potential winning cards must be filled out and legible. The full sheet must be sent in by registered mail or dropped off in person to our office. Do not cut out the winning play area.
  8. In the event of a media interruption or media bingo is cancelled, cards may be returned and exchanged at the Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo office for a future game.
  9. Players can call the Winners Line after the game for a listing of numbers called until noon on the first business day after the game.

Additional Information for Players:

Cards will be verified by telephone operators for 30 minutes after the completion of the telecast.

Players can listen to a listing of the bingo numbers in the order they were called by calling our Winners Line after the game. This recording will be available from 7PM following the game Saturday evening until 11:59AM on the first business day after the game.

Numbers are also made available as a downloadable PDF file on the homepage of our website by clicking “Read More” (inside the red box with game info).