$259,000 Estimated Jackpot
$10,000 Guaranteed Prize
Winning numbers for this game will be posted online following the broadcast. Potential winners have until the following Monday by 11:59 AM to call and record their potential winning card(s) on the winners line. If Monday is a statutory holiday, the deadline will be moved to Tuesday by 11:59AM. The online posting will be unofficial, and if there are any mistakes the original broadcast will be the only official source of numbers.
Cards are $5 for a 6 play area card.
Jackpot starts at $10,000 and grows each week by $1 per card sold
Previous game broadcasts are viewable here.
Watch our show live on CTV Winnipeg
CTV Broadcast
Beginning of show
Weekly Announcements:
July 6th cards are now available online!
- All cards up to July 6th are available online
- Visit KinsmenJackpotBingo.com
- Don’t miss your chance to win the Jackpot or the Guaranteed prize!
- The guaranteed jackpot for this week’s game is $10,000
Winnipeg Kinsmen Graphic
The Winnipeg Kinsmen wants to thank our players for playing!
You are a big reason we can continue to support Charities across Manitoba
May Feature Charities
Introducing our feature charities for the month of May 2024! Shop online for Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo cards, select your favourite charity and we’ll donate 10% of your purchase directly to them!
The Clan Mothers Healing Village is committed to building a contemporary, sustainable Healing Village that provides mid-term to long-term support to women and girls who have been victims of systemic trauma, sexual violence and human trafficking as they begin their healing journey.
North End Women’s Centre (NEWC) offers a variety of supports to women and non-binary folks in the community including counselling, trauma-informed yoga, a drumming group, settlement services, family supports, transitional housing, STBBI testing and access to cultural activities and ceremony. Two of NEWC’s buildings are open to the public during the week: the drop-in resource centre at 394 Selkirk Avenue and NEWC’s social enterprise thrift store The Up Shoppe at 382 Selkirk Avenue.
Thanks for playing Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo!
Additional Talking Points
July 6th cards online!
- Don’t miss your chance at the Jackpot or $10,000 Guaranteed prize!
- You can get the winning numbers after the game at Kinsmenjackpotbingo.com or call the winners line at 204-946-6377