$433,000 Estimated Jackpot
$10,000 Guaranteed Prize
Winning numbers for this game will be posted online following the broadcast. Potential winners have until the following Monday by 11:59 AM to call and record their potential winning card(s) on the winners line. If Monday is a statutory holiday, the deadline will be moved to Tuesday by 11:59AM. The online posting will be unofficial, and if there are any mistakes the original broadcast will be the only official source of numbers.
Cards are $5 for a 6 play area card.
Jackpot starts at $10,000 and grows each week by $1 per card sold
Previous game broadcasts are viewable here.
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Weekly Announcements:
August 24th cards are now available online!
- All cards up to August 24th are available online
- Visit KinsmenJackpotBingo.com
- Don’t miss your chance to win the Jackpot or the Guaranteed prize!
- The guaranteed jackpot for this week’s game is $10,000
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The Winnipeg Kinsmen wants to thank our players for playing!
You are a big reason we can continue to support Charities across Manitoba
August Feature Charities
Introducing our feature charities for the month of August 2024! Shop online for Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo cards, select your favourite charity and we’ll donate 10% of your purchase directly to them!
The Beagle Alliance
The only rescue in Canada dedicated to animals in research. We are unique in that they are both a rescue and advocacy organization.
Our Mission – To give former research animals more years outside of the cage than inside and to give animals from situations of harm and neglect a second chance at life.
To advocate for non-animal use in science and build a community that believes that animals CAN go from LAB to LOVE!
Our Vision – To see the end of animal testing.
The Beagle Alliance helps place former research dogs into loving homes and advocates for animal free science. We find incredible families willing to take in a beagle with PTSD and anxiety and educate them about cruelty free living and caring for a special needs dog. We provide veterinary and behavioural care, spay/neuter, vaccinations and 24/7 support for our fosters and adopters, who become a part of our community.
Testing on beagles and other animals is prevalent and has gone on with minimal to no federal
legislation or regulation in Canada. Over 10 000 dogs are used in research in Canada each year – and most are euthanized. Beagles are the most used breed in testing because they are docile, forgiving and are a size that allows for more of them to be housed, saving space and money.
Nine circles Community Health Centre
Nine Circles Community Health Centre, with expertise in the care and treatment of HIV, Hepatitis C and other sexually transmitted infections, delivers comprehensive primary care, social support, education and prevention services – creating healthier communities for Manitobans. Our Mission is to provide low barrier, culturally safe prevention services, comprehensive care, advocacy, and education for key populations susceptible to, or living with, HIV and other sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections, while working to eliminate stigma and advocate for health equities.
Nine Circles is well regarded for integrating primary care with social services to client care, education, and research. The organization is deeply rooted in values of belonging, safety, relationship building, collaboration and resiliency.
Nine Circles provides a range of services to our clients and community to support them where they are at to address the physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects of people’s lives including: Indigenous cultural programming, peer and group support, community health education, and harm reduction services.
Variety, The Children’s Charity
Variety, the Children’s Charity of Manitoba’s mission is to step in where government, healthcare, school divisions and other and other funding sources end to provide proven solutions to enrich the lives of children living in Manitoba and experiencing economic disadvantage.
Variety’s vision is to be the charity of choice in Manitoba that helps every child in need so they can reach their full potential.
Variety has been providing supports and programming to children in Manitoba since 1978.
On average it costs 4 to 5 times more to raise a child living with special needs as it does to raise a healthy child, because so many costs related to their care and development are not covered or insufficiently covered by government, healthcare or insurance.
Variety is the only non-profit organization in Manitoba whose programs help children access evidence-based and doctor recommend therapies at no cost to their families.
Variety strives to create a world where all children can play, learn and live together and are provided equal opportunity.
West Central Women’s Resource Centre
The West Central Women’s Resource Centre (WCWRC) is a charitable organization located in Winnipeg’s West End. For over 20 years, WCWRC has been empowering women and gender diverse people, and their community, to move from where they are to where they want to be, by providing responsive programming, facilitating knowledge sharing and connection, and contributing to culture shift and policy transformation.
WCWRC runs a Drop-In Centre on Ellice Ave, serving more than 20,000 women and gender diverse people a year; Monday to Saturday, participants enjoy a safer space to build community, do laundry, take a shower, access phones, computers or hygiene items, share daily meals, and engage in programming.
The Housing programs help folks experiencing homelessness to find and maintain permanent and stable housing, and support housed individuals maintain stable housing and income, and prevent evictions. The mobile van Outreach program runs 7 days a week, offering assistance to people living unsheltered throughout the city. Staff provide daily meals and check-ins, hygiene supplies, resources and connection to housing options, and harm reduction.
WCWRC offers Gender-Based Violence (GBV) supports to women and families in need of help to heal and rebuild their lives. Folks still living in an abusive relationship or gender-based violence of any kind, can connect with GBV workers to develop a safety plan, build confidence, learn about their legal rights and obtain the social services and supports they need. This Spring, WCWRC opened a new 16-unit transitional housing apartment, built to house women, gender diverse folks and their children exiting situation of violence.
WCWRC provides crucial, culturally relevant Indigenous programming through caring circles, ceremonies and Elders’ teachings. The Family Support program helps families navigate and advocate with the Child & Family Services system, and offers group parenting classes.
Through the Employment program, WCWRC supports folks with career goal setting, resume writing, interview prep and a variety of training, and runs a social enterprise “Happy Sprouts” that employs trained childminders hired for internal and external program support.
The Settlement Department offers a blend of in-person and online programming to newcomer women and families, sharing helpful information related to settling in Canada, a space for women to develop connections in community, reduce social isolation, practice English, ask questions and share their experiences.
Thanks for playing Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo!
Additional Talking Points
August 10th cards online!
- Don’t miss your chance at the Jackpot or $10,000 Guaranteed prize!
- You can get the winning numbers after the game at Kinsmenjackpotbingo.com or call the winners line at 204-946-6377