$1,640,000+ Estimated Jackpot
Guaranteed Prize $20,000
Winning numbers for this game will be posted online following the broadcast. You have until Monday 11:59am to check your numbers and call in your potential winning card. The online posting will be unofficial, and if there are any mistakes the original broadcast will be the only official source of numbers.
Cards $5 for a 6 play area card.
Jackpot starts at $10,000 and grows each week by $1 per card sold
Previous game broadcasts are viewable here.
Watch our show live on CTV Winnipeg or YouTube Live
Winning numbers for 2020-11-21
Game Notices for CTV Broadcast
December 26th Cancellation
- Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo will be pre-empted by CTV on Decembe r26th
- Game will be cancelled completely
- Bingo will return normally on January 2nd 2021
$1 per card for Movember/MAWS
- Celebrate Movember by growing a mustache in November, supporting Men’s mental health, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer
- Manitoba Association of Women’s Shelters are in greater need during the holidays
- $1 per card for November 21st will be split between Movember and MAWS
Future $1/card donations for 2020
- November 28th – Christmas Cheer Board
- December 5th – Peaceful Village school program
- December 12th – Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Centre (~$50,000) and Indigenous Language Centre (~$10,000)
- December 19th – Rural Manitoba Community Centres (Various)