$60,000+ Estimated Jackpot
$10,000 Guaranteed Prize
Winning numbers for this game will be posted online following the broadcast. You have until Monday 11:59 a.m. to check your numbers and call in your potential winning card. The online posting will be unofficial, and if there are any mistakes the original broadcast will be the only official source of numbers.
Cards are $5 for a 6 play area card.
Jackpot starts at $10,000 and grows each week by $1 per card sold
Previous game broadcasts are viewable here.
Watch our show live on CTV Winnipeg or YouTube Live
Game Notices for CTV Broadcast
Beginning of show
$20,000 Guaranteed Prize all winter long
- We’re turning Manitoba into a Winner Wonderland this winter
- Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo’s guaranteed prize will be $20,000 all winter long
- Order your cards online or find a store near you at kinsmenjackpotbingo.com
50th Ball Charity Feature
Featured Non-profit
Ronald McDonald House Charities Manitoba
- Ronald McDonald House Charities Manitoba (RMHC Manitoba) is an organization that keeps families together
- They operate two core programs: Ronald McDonald House and Ronald McDonald Family Room in HSC Children’s Hospital
- Ronald McDonald House is a “home-away-from-home” for rural Manitobans and out-of-province families with a child requiring treatment at a nearby hospital
- Ronald McDonald Family Room is a home within the hospital walls for any family with a pediatric patient
- The organization must still rely on the generosity of Manitobans for donations of money, services, and gifts-in-kind for approximately 70% of its operating costs
Checking Ball Announcement
Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre – $100,000 donation
- Winnipeg Kinsmen is donating $100,000 to Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre to help them buy new furniture for their community care sites
- Ma Mawi is a strength and value-based family resource organization delivering community-based programs and services
- Their programs include community programs, youth programs, children-in-care programs as well as The Housing First Program.
- Ma Mawi offers more than 50 programs, 11 sites, and 200+ staff and volunteers
End of show
Additional Talking Points
Halloween All Grown-up
- Congratulations to Christa Lake for winning our Halloween All Grown-up contest
- Christa won a 4-pack of cards to tonight’s game AND the incredible prize package from Chocolatier Constance Popp on Provencher
- Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more fun things!
- The start of November also marks the start of MOvember!
- Movember is an initiative to help raise money for mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer
- The initiative raises awareness and funds and shares information
- You can participate in the movement by growing a moustache of your own, pledging to run or walk for the cause, or simply by donating
- Visit ca.movember.com for more information!