$55,000 Estimated Jackpot


$10,000 Guaranteed Prize


Winning numbers for this game will be posted online following the broadcast. You have until Monday 11:59 a.m. to check your numbers and call in your potential winning card. The online posting will be unofficial, and if there are any mistakes the original broadcast will be the only official source of numbers.

Cards are $5 for a 6 play area card.
Jackpot starts at $10,000 and grows each week by $1 per card sold
Previous game broadcasts are viewable here.
Watch our show live on CTV Winnipeg or YouTube Live

WINNING NUMBERS FROM 29-10-2022-  Winning Numbers – 10-29-2022



Game Notices for CTV Broadcast


Beginning of show

Weekly Announcements:

November 26th cards are now online!

    • November 26th cards are now online!
    • After 7pm tonight, head over to KinsmenJackpotBingo.com
    • The guaranteed jackpot for next week, Nov 5th’s bingo, is $20,000, we’ve added $10,000 from October 15th winnerless game to our guaranteed jackpot for this particular game.

    • Don’t miss your chance at the Jackpot or the Guaranteed prize!
Winnipeg Kinsmen Graphic
  • The Winnipeg Kinsmen want to thank our players for playing!

  • You are a big reason we can continue to support Charities across Manitoba

50th Ball Charity Feature

Featured Charity – Sunshine House 

  • Sunshine House is a community drop-in and resource centre focusing on harm reduction and social inclusion.

  • The organization works to provide programming that fulfills people’s social, community and recreational needs.
  • Sunshine House is about to open Manitoba’s first-ever Mobile Overdose Prevention Site.  It will be run six nights a week out of a repurposed RV. They have government funding to staff the RV, but we are still raising money to purchase a mass spectrometer so that fatally toxic drugs can be identified.

  • Sunshine House is home to “Like That,” a twice-weekly drop-in for folks in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. It provides a space where people exploring gender and/or sexual identity can gather for fun, skills building and recreation.
  • Sunshine House also hosts an afternoon drop-in space where community members can come to get a hot meal, access harm reduction supplies and participate in activities.
  • Sunshine House  accepts online donations through their website, sunshinehousewpg.org. Once a month they post our “Most-Needed Items” list, which currently calls for things like travel-sized hygiene products, socks, and reusable water bottles and thermoses.
  • Remember, all month long, 10% of your online order will be donated to the featured charity of your choice!

Checking Ball Announcement

Donation to Support Agape Table

  • Winnipeg Kinsmen have very recently made a donation in support of Agape Table.
  • Agape Table is a community-based program, committed to providing the marginalized community of Winnipeg the help and supports they are in need of by nourishing the body, mind, and spirit of their guests in a cost effective and financially responsible manner.
  • Since Covid began, Agape Table served over 250, 000 meals to those in need
  • This donation supported the organization buying socks for their guests; socks are urgently needed for the organization. 
  • Agape guests are on their feet 12 to 14 hours each day and have little to no foot care available to them, by Agape Table being able to offer a fresh , dry pair of socks to our guests, they literally make someone’s day.

End of show

Additional Talking Points

Last Chance to order November 5th cards!

  • It’s your last chance to order November 5th cards online!
  • After 7pm tonight, head over to KinsmenJackpotBingo.com
  • Don’t miss your chance at the Jackpot or $20,000 Guaranteed prize on Nov 5th!