$25,000+ Estimated Jackpot
$10,000 Guaranteed Prize
Winning numbers for this game will be posted online following the broadcast. You have until Monday 11:59 a.m. to check your numbers and call in your potential winning card. The online posting will be unofficial, and if there are any mistakes the original broadcast will be the only official source of numbers.
Cards are $5 for a 6 play area card.
Jackpot starts at $10,000 and grows each week by $1 per card sold
Previous game broadcasts are viewable here.
Watch our show live on CTV Winnipeg or YouTube Live
Game Notices for CTV Broadcast
Beginning of show
Weekly Announcements:
November 12th cards are now online!
- November 12th cards are now online!
- After 7pm tonight, head over to KinsmenJackpotBingo.com
- Don’t miss your chance at the Jackpot or the Guaranteed prize!
Winnipeg Kinsmen Graphic
The Winnipeg Kinsmen want to thank our players for playing!
You are a big reason we can continue to support Charities across Manitoba
50th Ball Charity Feature
Featured Charity – Scouts Franco-Manitobains
Scouts Franco-Manitobains is a French non-profit organization for boys and girls aged 7 to 25, led by volunteers wishing them fun, camaraderie and adventures
- As a group that welcomes anyone, no matter the religion or ethnicity, to keep youths active and build feelings of belonging.
- As a French group, they conduct all our activities in French, and welcome anyone who can maintain a conversation in French.
- French Scouts in Manitoba were started in 1932 so we are celebrating 90 years this year!
- They are relaunching this year after a hiatus since March 2020 due to the pandemic.
- They also just launched our first ever Francophone Scouts Website! www.scoutsfrancomanitobains.ca
- Remember, all month long, 10% of your online order will be donated to the featured charity of your choice!
Checking Ball Announcement
$15,000 to Cancer Care Manitoba Foundation
- CancerCare Manitoba is responsible for planning and leading a provincial cancer control program in Manitoba that includes prevention, diagnosis, treatment and supportive care, as well as research and education in cancer and blood disorders.
- CCMB provides a refreshment service for patients and families at the Winnipeg HSC/St. Boniface sights.
- This recent donation supports direct food cost for this service.
- Patients and families are served light refreshments in clinic areas while attending treatment of Radiation Therapy, Chemotherapy and at the Urgent Care Clinic as well as soup for chemotherapy and post-surgical patients.
- Patients and families are extremely appreciative as, due to the nature of their treatments, they often cannot leave the site to purchase food or beverages.
- Because of the impact of Covid-19, CCMB didn’t offer refreshment services from March 2020 to 2022. With the re-introduction of this important service, patients and families are comforted and nourished when offered the opportunity.
End of show
Additional Talking Points
Last Chance to order October 22 cards!
- It’s your last chance to order October 22 cards online!
- After 7pm tonight, head over to KinsmenJackpotBingo.com
- Don’t miss your chance at the Jackpot or $10,000 Guaranteed prize!