$300,000+ Estimated Jackpot
$5,000 Guaranteed Prize
Cards $5 Winning numbers for this game will be posted online following the broadcast. You have until Monday 11:59 a.m. to check your numbers and call in your potential winning card. The online posting will be unofficial, and if there are any mistakes the original broadcast will be the only official source of numbers.
for a 6 play area card.
Jackpot starts at $10,000 and grows each week by $1 per card sold
Previous game broadcasts are viewable here.
Watch our show live on CTV Winnipeg or YouTube Live
Game Notices for CTV Broadcast
Beginning of show
10% donation per order to your choice of charity!
Affiliate Program
- Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo cards always support local charities and important causes
- Now when you buy bingo cards online, you get to choose the charity!
- From a list of four, you get to decide which cause to support
- Or, choose to spread it evenly between all four!
50th Ball Community Hero
Community Hero
Brianne Whalen
- Brianne Whalen is behind the popular new Facebook group, Canada Wishes.
- It’s a fun new way to raise money for good causes that also offers amazing prizes
- Brianne gets members to vote for a charity each month to donate to, and then runs auctions, or “wishes” to raise money for them
- Prizes range from Subway Gift Cards to Dyson Vacuums!
- Each wish is posted with a “price per number”
- Participants comment with which numbers they’d like to buy, and then send an etransfer
- The winner is then randomly selected, and proceeds from the wish go to the charity of the month!
- Live draws are held Sundays and Mondays
- There are also often “mini wishes” in between the larger draws
- What a fun way to get people involved in supporting great causes.
- Keep up the great work, Brianne!
- If you know someone like Brianne, nominate them to be on the show at: www.kinsmenjackpotbingo.com
Checking Ball Announcement
Pan Am Clinic Donation
- Winnipeg Kinsmen proudly donated $30,000 to Pan Am Clinic Foundation
- The funds will support their Medical Careers Exploration Program for Indigenous youth
- The program is a partnership with Children of the Earth School
- It introduces Indigenous youth to the many careers available to them in the medical field
- It is designed to help address the underrepresentation of Indigenous peoples in the medical profession
- Graduates are eligible for scholarships towards post-secondary education
End of show
Additional Talking Points
Bingo cards back in stores
Back in store’s contest
- Giving away $250 to spend at the store where you buy your bingo cards
- Post a picture with your card(s) at your go-to Bingo store using #BackinstoresKJB
- The best picture wins, so make yours stand-out!
- Checkout Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo on Facebook and Instagram for more details
The Dream Factory’s Beyond Dreams Bingo
- Winnipeg Kinsmen is proud to present The Dream Factory’s Beyond Dreams Bingo
- For the month of August, complete fun games and mark them off on your special bingo card
- Win prizes for reaching fundraising milestones
- Register now at thedreamfactory.ca today!